Starting your own business can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences of your life. You get to be your own boss, create something unique and meaningful, and watch it grow and flourish.

But it’s not always all sunshine and rainbows.

Running your own business can also be exhausting and all-consuming. You’re responsible for every aspect of the business, from finances to marketing to day-to-day operations. Not to mention being responsible for the biggest day of two people’s lives!

It can be a lot to handle, especially when you’re just starting out. I know, because I was there once. 

Despite the challenges, I’m thrilled to report that my personal elopement planning business, Elope Asheville, had a fantastic year.

Even though 2022 felt like it was back to pre-COVID normalcy, due to some further tweaks in pricing (as well as continued national financial stress in the form of inflation and unemployment), we had yet another record year in income. 

Elopement planning does really well during normal years.  It does exceptionally well in years where the nation’s pocketbooks are stressed.  It’s truly a recession-proof wedding business. 

The numbers:

In 2022, we helped plan and execute 331 elopement style weddings for couples from all over the country. Our clients raved about the personalized service and attention to detail we provided, and we even received 25 5-star reviews this year! 

The number of weddings we did this year was fewer than the past two years, though that can be expected because those were exceptionally strange years. 

However, we brought in a total of $462,081.07 in 2022. This was a 4.2% increase from 2021 and a 13.22% increase from 2020’s numbers.  The increase is due to our focus on developing strong pricing strategies.

If you read all of my other month-in-review posts, you’ll know there are expenses like permits, cakes, flowers, taxes, etc..  So these numbers don’t tell the whole story. But you can probably get a good idea about what we clear.  Even if it was $62,000 in expenses (it isn’t), that’s $400,000.  

Take a moment for yourself right now and imagine having that kind of success with your very own elopement planning business.

You might be wondering how you can get there so quickly or what steps you need to take in order to start making money as an elopement planner. The truth is that creating a successful business doesn’t have to feel overwhelming – not when there are experienced people like myself excited about helping you on every step of the way!

From done-for-you websites and email scripts, a custom and thorough online presence, pricing strategies, one-on-one coaching sessions, and even complete done-for-you business plans – whatever help you need throughout your journey towards starting and growing your own elopement planning business – I am here for YOU!

It’s exciting to look back on the past year and see all the progress and success we’ve had. But it’s also important to remember that starting and growing a business is a journey, and there’s always room for improvement.

I love learning new things and passing on that knowledge and experience to you so you can achieve everything you’ve dreamed of.  I have helped others just like yourself to turn their dream of having their own business into a reality.

Imagine having the same success as I did this past year.  How would that change your life?

With my help, it’s not just a dream, it’s a reality that you can make happen.  All you have to do is make that first step!

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